What is Sustainability & CSR? Essentially, they represent acting responsibly and with care. Our world is changing, and we want to make a difference - responsibly. It is clear that protecting our environment is much more urgent and important than we previously thought. This reality is slowly starting to positively influence some of the choices that we make. In many places, for instance, the local people rely entirely on the revenue that tourism brings to their community. We all know that stopping travelling is not the solution, but a sustainable change in our travel patterns absolutely is.
But it can seem an overwhelming challenge, and many of us in the travel industry don’t even know where to start. However, the majority of our DMCs are leaders in the industry. They have developed sustainability strategies, principles and standards that allow you to experience the world without leaving a trace.
Overwhelmed? Need assistance? Let us help you to change how we travel sustainably today for a better tomorrow.
“At Intours DMC, we are deeply committed to our responsibilities towards both our immediate environment and the broader world, striving to balance the economic, environmental, and social impacts of our business.”
“At ECMeetings, one of our proudest achievements is our collaboration with the Inspire Foundation. In a one-day event, 270 conference delegates transformed an unusable park into a fully functional space for over 1,000 children with disabilities. This initiative exemplifies the power of collective effort to create lasting, positive change.”